1890: Plan of Liverpool – South Sheet

This is the south half of a detailed plan of Liverpool published in 1890. It is incredibly detailed, showing every road name, paths within the parks, and even individual buildings in some streets (where those buildings were big enough).

There’s also an index to road names down two sides, making it easy to look up a place of interest.

It’s a partner to the North Sheet, also available on Historic Liverpool. There are also concentric circles showing distances from the Town Hall, each one quarter of a mile apart.

The version available on Historic Liverpool is an adapted version of the original, with the wards colour-coded. This old map covers Toxteth to Princes Park (and includes a slice of Sefton Park on its eastern edge), shows areas of West Derby, including undeveloped streets to the north of Edge Lane, and covers the very centre of Liverpool.

Here we therefore see the Customs House which occupied the site of the original Old Dock (and now Liverpool One) and other long-gone building such as St. John’s Church behind St. George’s Hall, St. Peter’s Church on Church Street, Central Station and St. James’ Cemetery, where the Anglican Cathedral now stands.

33 Comments on “1890: Plan of Liverpool – South Sheet”

  • Martin Gorman


    I have been looking for Vaughn Street that was in the 1911 Census

    Thank you,
    Denis F. Ellis


    • Stephen Dowling


      insert second “a”


  • My Dad was born in Upper Stanhope Street in 1925. I think between Berkely and Windsor streets.
    I have seen a map that showed there was a continuation, and this is very odd, of Stanhope street, at the location of what looked like Maynard Street , to the North side of Beaumont Street, sometime before, then I lost track of this particcular map. We lived in 26 Beaumont Street in the mid to late 50’s, 4 stories of cold Victorian red brick, we left there to sail to Australia in ’58, returned in 62 and our family of 5 lived in appaling accomodation in 2 rooms on the corner of Alt and Cam Street, yards from where we set off from; I went to Dove Street Primary behind St. Clements Church from 55 to 58, many years later I was the last student into the old Art High School on Gambier Terrace opposite the C of E Cathdral, in 1964.
    This is a fantastic store of information of Liverpool. As an architect I find the collection of listed buildings just incredible. I know most of them through wandering around the town when in my teens before I left for college in 69. If there is anything I can do to help, email me.


    • Martin


      Dear Frederick,

      That’s an interesting one. You can see the streets, including Maynard Street, here: https://historic-liverpool.co.uk/old-maps-of-liverpool/plan-of-liverpool-royal-atlas-of-england-and-wales-1898/#5/63.313/17.314 (note that the map shows north to the left). Stanhope Street and Maynard Street are a little way apart, so I’d be intrigued to see the map you remember! Stanhope Street once stopped at countryside (see https://historic-liverpool.co.uk/old-maps-of-liverpool/weekly-dispatch-atlas-1860/#5/-64.793/-39.463) so it’s always possible some remodelling took place, or a map showed intentions that were never carried out.



      • Frederick Johnson


        Hi Martin
        1858 Hilliers guide map to liverpool shows the original upper Stanhope st. stopping at its northern end and facing fields, where eventually Selbourne st. started, then if you look in a continuous line to the north across open fields to the east of Upper Parliament street, you’ll see Upper Stanhope suddenly reappear, in exactly the same street position as Beaumont street later appeared, can we assume that it was all becoming confusing to have Stanhope start, then stop, then start again, eventually reaching Lodge lane at the far northern end? It seems that Dad, being borne in Stanhope, just couldn’t get away from it: he and we ended up in Beaumont street, originally intended to be named Stanhope street.


        • Hi Frederick,

          I think you’re right. It might also have something to do with whoever built Selborne Street, and whether they (accidentally or deliberately) didn’t use the Stanhope Street name. Maybe they were very keen to name it after a certain person. In that case, it would be especially confusing if the road changed its name, and then changed back, along its route!

          I love the synchronicity in your family living on two roads that were intended to share a name!



      • Ron Jones


        The map Frederick’s referring to may be the very detailed Bacon’s Pocket Map of Liverpool of 1890. This map too is divided into quarter-mile circles and squares. The area bounded by Upper Parliament Street, Princes Road and Alt Street is shown as being almost wholly undeveloped and does indeed show a projected part of Upper Stanhope Street crossing Princes Road and ending in Lodge Lane. However, curiously, the above Plan of 1890 (South sheet) shows it as being fully developed? I spent all of my formative years in this area (mainly Thames Street and Solway Street) so I am very familiar with Beaumont Street and Alt/Cam Streets where Frederick lived. The Bacon map can be seen here in high resolution:


    • Maureen Kimmett


      Hello, my parents also lived at 26 Beaumont Street in the 1950’s. Arthur and Elsie Womack. I was born 1947 and believe we lived at the corner of Priest St and Beaumont before emigrating to Canada in 1954.


    • Hilary L


      Have you done any family history investigations?


  • When did the name Baltic Triangle first appear? By the site of the Baltic Pub on the old dock road? Nothing saying “Baltic” on the map.


    • Martin


      Dear Frederick,

      It’s hard to tell, but it was definitely very recently. Using a possibly unscientific measure, Google’s search terms tool shows that the phrase was only gaining traction after about 2011. This would tie in with the time that the area was starting to be redeveloped as a place for new tech businesses. It’s a developer’s term, I think, like the Knowledge Quarter around the University, and has gone into general use.



      • Frederick Johnson


        The reply from marqerita gill in the forum has 2 links to schools one refers to the upper stanhope street and a church street being renamed Beaumont street presumably after 1840? After st Clements church was built?


      • Frederick Johnson


        The reply from marqerita gill in the forum has 2 links to schools one refers to the upper stanhope street and a church street being renamed Beaumont street presumably after 1840? After st Clements church was built?

        The Baltic triangle; refers to the shape of the pub called the Baltic Fleet? And the shape of the streets around it,


  • Trudy Moloney


    Hi Martin,
    I’ve been researching my family history and in the 1891 and 1901 England census it has my family located in Royden Street, Toxteth Park. This was located in St Cleopas Parish and surrounding streets (as per the census) were Barclay, Homer, Stepford and Hurry streets as well as Parkhill Road. I have found St Cleopas parish and Parkhill Road on a couple of maps but haven’t been able to locate Royden Street.


  • Tracy Hornby


    I would like to know where Upper Man Street was. I believe it doesn’t exist any longer. This is where my Great Grandma Howard lived when she was first married, and was there until 1916.


    • Ann Critchley


      Hi I think upper man street was off hill street heading towards Warwick street as I remember I lived in grafton house seem to remember it ran parallel with grafton street, sorry I don’t know how far it actually ran, just remember some terraced houses with lamp post outside we used for playing, this is liverpool 8 as I know it was living there from 1954. Hope it’s one you looking for


  • Helen


    Hi I am trying to find the earliest map with Hadassah Grove . It is off Lark Lane therefore this map just misses it. We think my house was built in 1830 to 1840 but cant find this on maps.


    • Martin


      Hi Helen,

      It looks like none of my maps show Hadassah Grove in enough detail to show your house. However, the Ordnance Survey map of 1850 (10:560) does show Hadassah Grove. It has very few buildings on it, but it might help in your research and narrow down your dates. The next OS map in the series is from 1891 and shows all the houses there. See this page for these maps: https://www.old-maps.co.uk/#/Map/337246/387554/10/101393



  • colin fletcher


    Im looking for any photos of Collins street number 11 my great grandmother and family lived there the Weavers cant find any on web sites , Great grandmother came from LLanelidan N Wales Great grandfather from Chester area


  • Jen


    What a wonderful site this is. My 3x great grandparents lived in Court 3 Upper Stanhope Street in 1881 and 1891, but I am struggling to find anything at all relating to court housing here. Any info would be most greatly appreciated! Kind regards x


    • Martin


      Hi Jen,

      Glad you like the site!

      Upper Stanhope Street didn’t have many courts on it (that I can recognise on the maps). But the National Library of Scotland sites have a couple of courts – a pair on Upper Stanhope Street and another pair on Stanhope Street itself.

      Here’s an extract of the Upper Stanhope Street courts from the 25 inch map:

      Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland

      Best wishes,


  • Eileen Nicholson


    Does this map cover Garston please?


  • Ron Brooks


    My father was born in 9 Summer Seat in 1904 to Lithuanian immigrants who spoke no English. I remember my Lithuanian grandparents living in the end flat on the second or maybe third storey of a block of tenements with steel railings along each balcony and a tarmaced area out front where you could play. I remember gas mantles used for lighting and a rubbish chute from the inside of the flat down to the ground floor. I read that Summer Seat were the oldest terraced houses in Liverpool built in 1911 so was 9 Summer Seat on my father’s birth certificate the address of the tenement block in the same area? I would have been visiting my grandmother 1946 to 1950.


  • Warren Burls


    I have discovered an old letter tucked inside an antique book that is from….
    50 Sir Thomas buildings, Liverpool and is dated 18th August 1890.
    The letter goes on to say , the committee members (and then goes on to name the 14 members) have the pleasure of enclosing tickets for the Pic-Nic to Overton hills on 1st September … dinner will be served at the Belle Monte hotel at 1-30…..and then gives further information about the day.
    I can see that there’s a Sir Thomas Street …. but no longer a 50 Sir Thomas Buildings. ?
    I can always scan a copy of the letter to an email if you feel it’s an interesting historical document Or maybe someone will have information on the 14 committee members from 1890.


    • Dear Warren,

      Looking on one of the old maps I can see that Sir Thomas Street was once labelled as Sir Thomas Buildings (see the National Library of Scotland Maps website). It looks like an area occupied by municipal offices and solicitors’ chambers. It’s not easy to upload images here, but if you could add a couple of committee members names if any look like they might be the Chair or something like that then perhaps someone here can identify the organisation.

      Best wishes,


      • Warren Burls


        Dear Martin,
        In reply, In my research to find out more about the letter that I have found dated August 1890, I’ll list the committee members that (sign of the times) are all Male and includes two doctors.
        Dr A.M.Bligh / Dr John Bligh / Mr J..L.Duff / Mr J.Fagan / Mr E.C.Horsman /Mr C.M.Madden /Mr V.McArdle/ Mr J.Ruddin /Mr H.McEvoy / Mr J.A.O’Hare / Mr Mr J.T. Segrue / Mr M. short / Mr D.J.Thompson/ Mr T. Waring
        To conclude, the letter was an invitation from this committee to a lunch and picnic to depart from Lime street Station and heading towards Overton Hills.
        If anyone has information on who they were, just my guess but Cricketers might fit the puzzle ?
        Regards Warren Burls


  • Anne


    Dear Martin,
    This is a long shot. We lived in Myrtle Street (from 1960 to June 1966) above a wool shop on the corner of Myrtle street and Vine street with a Higsons pub (The Grapes ) on the opposite corner to us on Vine Street/Myrtle Street. I’ve been trying to find any information about the wool shop and any photos of the building that we lived in.

    The closest I’ve got was seeing a Pathe News video on you tube. –
    It zooms in at 22 seconds to show what I think is the side of the wool shop with the grapes pub demolished. I’ve found a photo of The Vines pub but nothing showing the wool shop or the rest of the terraced houses attached. I know the wool shop was part of the area that Liverpool University demolished to make way for student accommodation. ( The now new buildings have the 92 degrees coffee shop at the other end of the row.) Not sure if the wool shop was always a shop and flat, presume it was a large house at one time. There was a Council corporation yard on Vine Street which was next door to the wool shop side entrance.

    Any ideas where I could find any more information about the history of this building and maybe some photos?
    With many thanks and best wishes.


  • My Family history is in Toxteth dating back to early 1800s ( Daly.) with relatives moving there from Yorkshire( Lonsdale) and Ireland (Daly.) I have found lots of dwellings for them and names of roads. Collins Street, Beaufort , Hughson, Wolfe, and a few more. I Know my Grt G P and Grandparents are in Allerton Cemetery. Grandfather’s worked on the Docks as Merchant Sea men and labourers. I have ships names and 1WW medals. it is great to pin point areas on the maps. Fernie St was the last know building. I was also born in , now demolished would love some more info on the docks ,ships been searching for ships pictures and lists trying to find.pictures of the Vitorian.


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