Old Streets of Liverpool

Latest addition: as an ongoing project, I’m adding details of each street as additional information which shows in the pop-up that appears when you click on a street. Let me know if you know of any more information on any streets!

Recent addition: if you click on a road where somebody carried out a business, and was listed in the 1766 Gore’s Directory (the first of its kind) then a list will appear on the left hand side of the map.

This is a map of all the old streets of Liverpool within the boundary of Queens Drive (plus a few helpful extra roads at the far north and south). By ‘old’, I mean it shows the streets as they were before vast swathes were demolished in the first half of the 20th century. Therefore it should be a great help in tracing where your ancestors lived and/or worked. For example, you can look up the Welsh streets of Toxteth, many of the courts of Everton, and even the inner parts of the more recent suburbs in West Derby.

I’ve noticed so many interesting things about old Liverpool streets while building it. Southern streets (e.g. Toxteth) are more complex and piecemeal than in the north, but when you remove the smaller streets, the grid is more apparent. In the north, radial roads stream out from the centre while the residential streets zip across from one radial to the next. I’ve also been amazed at how straight these old roads are. Even the longest roads, unless they’ve got obvious kinks and curves in them, are dead-straight for hundreds of yards. It says something of the skill of the surveyors right back into the pre-Victorian days.

The old streets covered by the map

I’ve included the map I traced, so you can see the wider context. This should help deal with the inevitable inaccurary (see below). The map is from the early 1950s, but I believe it took a lot of its information from earlier (perhaps 1920s) Ordnance Survey maps.

I limited myself to the area within Queens Drive for a few reasons. Firstly, I need to stop somewhere! Queens Drive provides the perfect boundary, encircling the city as it does. In the future I may add streets outside this boundary. For neatness’ sake, I’ve clipped roads which cross Queens Drive and head off into the surburbs. My second reason is that by far the most frequent requests for road locations are from within this area. So all in all, it made sense to release this tool with the current data, and expand later on if possible.

Accuracy of a map of old streets of Liverpool

The process of creating this map involves telling the software which runs this website exactly where the old base map should sit in relation to the modern map. This is done by selecting certain points on the new and old map, and telling the software that they should be on top of each other.

That means that my map is most accurate on the five or six places where I did this, and less accurate in other locations. One day I might add more of these reference points, but for now I hope the map is still very useful.

How to get the most out of this map, and how to help

There’s a search box in the top left of the map itself. Type a few letters of the street you want to find, and a list of matching streets will appear below. Click on the likely result and you will be swiftly transported to that road on the map, and the road will be highlighted with a red circle.

At the moment, only street names are included. I’d like to get more information onto this old street map to make it more useful. For that reason, if you see an error (apart from when a road is some distance from the modern version) please leave a comment or find me as Historic Liverpool on Twitter.

As we go along, I’ll add new information to the map.

113 Comments on “Old Streets of Liverpool”

  • Bernie Hampson


    First thank you for a wonderful map of old Liverpool. I have ancestors who lived in Houlgrave Street. I have spent hours trying to find who lived in the street in 1860, but to no avail. I wonder if you could point me in the right direction to get the names ofthe people. I am on ancestry, but can’t search by street.
    My whole family lived in the Kirkdale area all their lives. Nimrod Street, Sessions Road , etc. i was born in Walton in 1945. If you can offer any help I would be so grateful. Thank you


    • Martin


      Hi Bernie,

      So glad you like the map! I’ve found this discussion on searching for roads in the census. It mentions Ancestry.com as well as some alternatives. I’ve not tried these myself but they might help you in your search!




      • Anne Stemp


        I had relatives who lived in Norris Place Toxteth and wondered where it was. Date about 1880


    • SGG


      Bernie, You can search by address on FindMyPast. By doing that for the 1861 census, I could find Houlgrave Street. I took a name from that search and searched for the family on Ancestry. Clicking on the top name (William Watling, with wife Agnes) at the following link will take you to Houlgrave Street, and you can browse pages before and after that: https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/8767/?name=william_watling&birth=1821_scotland-united+kingdom_3252

      Martin, Thanks for creating these wonderful interactive maps.


    • Fiona Ottley


      Hi Bernie, I am wondering if you are related to my Dad’s half brother James (Jimmy) Hampson. Both Jimmy & Dad (Albert Young) migrated to Australia in the 1950s I think. Their mother was Hannah Primrose Charnock.


      • Robert Hampson


        Hi – Hannah Primrose Charnock’s husband, William Hampson, was my great uncle.


  • Victoria


    Hello. Great map! I am researching a clothing label from what I believe is a 1920 gown for a vintage fashion educational resource. The label reads “Dorothy Rimmer 108a Bold St. L’pool”
    Is there any way to search the map for a specific address or see the names of the businesses on a street?
    Thank you


    • Hi Victoria,

      I’ve not got address data on this website (yet!) but you could try looking for old business directories like this one from 1894. I know it’s a bit early for you but it might start you off in the direction of finding the right one.

      Best wishes,


  • Robert Moloney


    Hi Martin,
    That is a great Map. An old guy used to visit us in Ireland in the 70s, from Rhyl, a cousin of my Dad. At a family reunion in 2013, there was a story that his Mother, was a lady of horizontal refreshment in Liverpool, had her own brothel we were told. IN searching myheritage.com today I could not find him in Rhyl, so I tried Liverpool and there the were in 1901 at Walmsley St, which is still on Google maps, an industrial street now. Looks like it would have been terraced housing in those days. from the census, I can see he was born in Liverpool, but I cannot make out the name, “Lanes”, “Lomes” anyway, I would love to see a picture of the place at the time and where you think I may find out more about her trade, so to speak!


  • Tony


    Great maps. I am trying to find Carpathia Street. I am interested in Titanic memorabilia, with a particular attachment to the Carpathia, and an old sign with that street name is for sale, but I can’t find any reference to Carpathia Street, in L19. There is a Carpathia Close, on an obviously new development, and several of the other closes there have names from streets of the old area upon which they are built, according to 1956 OS map. The sign vendor says that at the turn of the century (19th) several streets were named after Cunard ships, and that area indeed later sported Lucania and Campania Streets but no Carpathia Street. The search of several supposed indexes of Liverpool streets past and present yield no results either. The strreet sign looks genuine enough but I am intruiged that I cannot find any reference to a street of that name on the magic interweb. Any help gratefully received.


    • Hi Tony,

      I’m not surprised you couldn’t find it – it’s very well hidden! Though you were in the right area.

      Carpathia Street was a small street between Campania Street and Lucania Street. You can see it on this map from 1936-9:

      Carpathia Street, Garston, 1936-9



      • Tony


        Brill. Thank you so much. I thought it might be one of those. I have now received the sign, which is clearly genuine, and matches the signs I have found in old photos of old Liverpool streets. Sadly I can’t find a photo of any of the ‘Cunard’ streets but will keep looking. The sign now resides fittingly in the former home of Captain Rostron of the Carpathia.


        • SueMurphy


          My Nan’s cousin George Orrell was the bandmaster on The Carpathia and was involved in the rescue of 700 survivors of The Titanic.


    • Eric


      My sister lived in Carpathia st…by the Garston gasworks.


  • Glen Pass



    It a great map! I’m helping my girlfriend find out about her grandmother’s past as the information known is patchy.

    She lived at 14 Amberley Street. Do you know where we can find further information regarding this street as it is no longer there.

    Kind regards



    • Hi Glen,

      If you’ve found the street on this map I’d go to http://old-maps.co.uk as they have a series of maps which will help you work out when the street was built (or when it first appeared on maps, at least!). After that Liverpool Record Office would be my next port of call, but I’m not sure how open they are at the moment.

      Don’t forget: looking up some of the streets that were (or once were) around Amberley will be useful in getting the wider picture even if you can’t find anything about that street itself.

      Best wishes,


  • Kath Brodie


    Hello, really interested to see this map! My great grandmother is shown as living in Elizabeth Place, Mount Vernon Road on the 1861 census. I can find Mount Vernon Road , but was wondering how to find Elizabeth place & whether it was one of the old courts?
    Many thanks for any help you can give
    Kath Brodie


    • Hi Kath,

      I can’t find a reference to it on my directory, so you could be right – it might be a court. It could also be a row of houses on Mount Vernon Road, but either way it’s often hard to tell without coming across a lucky archive or photo.

      Best wishes,


  • Jenny Miller


    Hi, my great grandfather was born at 4 Court Lionel Street, Islington, Liverpool.
    I am having difficulty locating it so any help would be appreciated


  • Cath Rodgers


    Hi Martin
    Thanks for this map I’ve found my ancestors homes in Sparling Street and Lavan Street . They were Irish immigrants and rented in the courts, are these marked on maps I know they existed into the 20 century?


    • Helen Blair



      My mother was brought up at no 7 Lavan Street, and when she married my parents lived there together. Mill Road hospital where i was born was at the top of the road. It was my first home. We moved away in 1962. It’s not there anymore.

      I have just found this website and the lovely maps.


  • Dave Headey


    My gg grandfather lived most of his life in Highfield Street and Cranworth Street in the Kirkdale/Everton area, having been an immigrant from Anglesey in the 1840s . They don’t exist now and aren’t on your map either. I wonder if you’ve any idea which the nearest big road might be, or when they’d be likely to have disappeared? It’s not an area I know well myself.


  • Paul Love


    Hi Martin
    The map is brilliant this the first time I’ve ever been able to locate on a map my grandads and nans street where they were brought up as kids I knew the area but it was great to pinpoint it. Also my uncle had a photo of the street but lost it & I have searched the archives for tong street just behind the Adelphi hotel but haven’t been able to find anything, could you point me in the right direction.

    Cheers Paul


  • Julie


    I am really pleased to have found this map. My Great Grandparents lived at 23 Edge Mount…I only know the exact address because we have a newspaper (Liverpool Echo) clipping of the sons and sons in law of the Grimes family that were in the war, my Grandad was Charles Grimes. He came down to London and met my Nan around 1930…and they lived in Hoxton Shoreditch London, where my Dad was born. Dad and his sister told me about times they had visited Liverpool and their Grandparents there, but I have never been. We booked up to come last year for my 60th to visit, and then of course there was COVID , but we are hoping to come in September this year instead. Do you roughly know what area the road Edge Mount (Paddington) would be now…..I know it will obviously have changed a lot since my Grandad was there, but at least we would be in the roughly the right area . Thanks again for the brilliant map. Julie


  • Paul Furlong



    Firstly I’d just like to compliment the website I have a wide family base in Liverpool and it’s incredible to find so much on here.
    However that being said I was wondering if anyone could steer me to any old pictures or artefacts of Hankin Street. My grandfather Peter Furlong grew up there and it’s sadly now in very limited existence with no homes on it.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


    • Laurence Matthew Furlong


      Hello Paul,
      I am pleased to have come across your appeal only today. If you may be interested in the Liverpool FURLONG family history then please feel free to contact me.

      I’m confident our paths crossed at the funeral of your dear grandfather, and my dear brother Peter Furlong in 2021.

      I look forward to hearing from you.

      Laurence Matthew Furlogn (1942)


  • Sam Groom


    Fantastic map! My great great grandfather was murdered at 26 Park Lane in 1897. I have found Park Lane, but does anyone know roughly where number 26 was located? There does not appear to be any numbered properties there now.


  • David Green


    This is brilliant! Thank you! I just saw on a marriage certificate on ancestry.com that my Gran’s brother lived at 47 Ascot St, along with extended family, and I’ve just been able to find that on your map! (Sadly, he was just killed six weeks later when his ship was torpedoed.) I’ll be plugging in lots of addresses for other relatives, and looking forward to seeing the results. Thanks again.


  • Christopher Edwards


    Thank you for this map. My great great grandfather lived in Blair Street from around 1841 to 1855, a Master Cooper with premises in Parliament Street (No. 22), the business was taken over by his son who moved to Washington Street. Are there any photo archives of the area in the mid 19th Century?


  • Graeme Kerr


    I have found a relative, who retired to Liverpool, listed in the 1851 census.
    It is written as “Wetherell Place, Chapel Lane – Toxteth”. I also have another document that says he retired to West Derby, from Dumfries. I cannot find this street in either location and after 3 days scouring maps from the time period I’ve had to resort to asking for help. Any ideas that would help a poor demented Scotsman close off another part of his family tree?


  • Steph


    Do you sell this map without the blue lines on? Or sections of it? I’m interested in the Vauxhall area, Millard street.


    • Hi Steph,

      Unfortunately I don’t sell this map, as it’s an awkward shape for the standard paper sizes to fit properly! However, I can send you a digital copy of a section. I’ll do this later today, centred on Millard Street.

      Best wishes,


  • Paul McIver


    Hi Martin,
    I’m struggling to find Ballington Street, Toxteth Park can you help please?


    • Hi Paul,

      The search box in the top left brings up Ballington Street when you start typing the name. Click on the drop down which appears when you type, and you will be taken straight to it.

      Best wishes,


  • ROD


    Absolutely brilliant! I doubt whether I would have found Hyde St and Warren St close to the Brownlow Hill area without the help of this wonderful resource


  • Jak


    Hi Martin, this is an amazing resource for so many different reasons but I was hoping you could help. I keep seeing mention of 11, 13 and 15 Chapel Street but can’t seem to find these buildings on any modern or old map. Have you heard of them, or where they were on Chapel Street? Any help would be massively appreciated.


  • Erin Hooker


    Martin, your website is amazing! What a wealth of information and rich history! Thank you for your hard work! I am researching my great-great grandparents who are from Newry Northern Ireland but for some reason married here in Liverpool at St Barnabas church in 1874. On marriage certificate it says that both of their addresses at the time were 6 NORFOLK STREET. Dates of marriage and the birth of my great grandfather show that this was likely a shotgun wedding. Was 6 NORFOLK STREET a workhouse to your knowledge? I have searched to no avail. Just trying to learn their story. Can you help me with this street and address? I cannot tell you how grateful I’d be for any help with this street address!

    many Thanks,


  • paul podesta



    I used the search feature to find the location of Chapman Street. Unfortunately, it said that the street could not be found. However, I have since found its location on the OS 25inch 1892-1914 map.

    Chapan St. ran parallel and in -between, both Upper Mann St and Beaufort St. just to the north of Warwick St. It looks like a very narrow passageway sandwiched between these two larger streets. It’s layout was similar to Robertson St which is in a similar location to the south side of Warwick St.
    You may wish to add this to your very comprehensive and useful map.

    Keep up the good work.


  • Sue Lindsay


    This is a fantastic site and I am using it intensively and it seems a bit churlish to contact you about a problem I am having.
    However, I am a bit perplexed about whether there were possibly two Darwen Streets – an earlier one that was demolished and then a newer one in Victorian times.
    I have family with a series of nine baptisms between 1783 and 1803 in the St Nicholas chapel of St Peter’s, with the address Darwen/Darwin Street in the parish registers. However, when I use this tool and then look at the older maps of Liverpool, the area where this street would have been in 1783 and 1803 looks undeveloped, i.e. no streets – on one of the maps it looks like marsh land, it is also a bit of a hike from St Peter’s parish – although it could have been the mum’s original parish. My map reading skills aren’t great and I don’t know Liverpool so perhaps I’m reading this wrong.
    Any insights from locals/better map readers than me gratefully received.


  • Madeleine


    Hi. My maternal family name is HADDOCK. They have a long maritime history around Liverpool. I would like to ask if Haddock Street is named after the Haddock family or the fish or other? My grandfather was Wesley HADDOCK and my uncle (his son), John HADDOCK. Wesley developed the ‘canteen’ system for serving food. Any information gratefully received. TIA.


  • Jo Breeze


    Just wanted to say thank you for this extraordinary resource – I don’t have a question or a problem, just wanted to recognise all the work that went into this! I’m using your maps extremely regularly to track family history in Liverpool, and finding that many of the addresses I have listed are no longer standing, which says a great deal about the enormous change Liverpool has seen in the 20th century. This historical mapping work is just invaluable. Thank you!


    • Hi Jo,

      So nice of you to say – thanks for your very nice words! I hope people get use out of this, as that’s the most rewarding part of the effort I put in.

      Best wishes,


  • Peter Halsall


    A marvellous map. Thanks for sharing. It’s great to explore even if I can’t find the road I’m looking for!

    My g g grandmother lived in the cellar of number 10 Roger Street. On the census it comes between Dinorben Street and Linden Street in the Toxteth Park area.

    Any suggestions welcome.



    • Hi Peter,

      Roger Street was a very small street off Linden Street, which you can see on this map of Toxteth.

      Best wishes,


      • Peter


        That’s brilliant Martin. I have pored over that approximate area for many an hour without finding it. Of course it’s so small that it’s not indicated on most maps!



  • Frances


    Hello, I’m researching my Dad’s family history and finding unexpectedly that both sides come from Liverpool! Your website has been an amazing help but I am stuck on two streets/roads listed on the 1871 and 1901 census which aren’t on here.
    I’m struggling to find Huntington Rd, Toxteth and Kensington Knowles Court.
    Thank you so much


  • Lisa Fellowes


    Hello everyone!
    Bit of a newby but I’m giving it a good go to see if I can go back as far as I can.

    My Grand Auntie has asked me to look into something and I would really like to find some information out for her but…I only have a little information to go on.

    Charlotte Fellowes (nee Whittaker) – 1885
    Possibly owned a bakery on Edge Lane, Liverpool, my Grand Auntie believes that Charlotte owned the bakery before she was married in 1914 but she is not 100% sure.
    Am I right in thinking that the bakery would have been in her father’s name at that time?

    I have looked at the Ordinance Survey maps as I have been told that whilst they show banks, churches, hotels, public houses, they sometime include bakeries but have had no such luck.
    Is there a business directory of Edge Lane as I have not come across any that can help me?


  • Peter Halsall



    One of my ancestors died in Liverpool Workhouse in 1871 having previously lived at an address on Faulkner Street, West Derby. Note the spelling, the familiar street today is Falkner Street. It could be a clerical error but as Falkner St is rather posh and my ancestor’s address looks like court housing I wonder if there had been a Faulkner St somewhere!




  • Cathie



    Am trying to find location of Calvin Street in 1870’s I think was located Scotland Road area.Non of the historical maps have been helpful so far.


    • Hi Cathie,

      Yes, it was in the general area of Scotland Road, though it was to the west, joining onto Vauxhall Road. It’s here: https://historic-liverpool.co.uk/interactive-maps/old-streets-liverpool/#17/53.42353/-2.98820, the unlabelled road to the left of Hook Street. If you type ‘calvin’ into the search box in the top left it should come up with ‘Calvin Street’ in a dropdown menu. Click on that and it will circle the street in redfor you (though my street lines and the old map don’t line up all that well in this area, sorry! 🙂

      Best wishes,


  • rory morgan


    Can any one help looking for the Robinson family that lived on red rock street 1960


  • Susan Palmieri


    What a brilliant site. My dad’s family were from Liverpool – I believe my grandad was a dock gateman at Toxteth and also had something to do with laying the first tramlines. The address I have is for Stananaught Street – but it doesn’t seem to exist anymore. Can anyone help me discover where this street was? Many thanks in advance,
    Sue Palmieri


  • Barbara


    Hello from Australia
    My grandfather Edward Williams ran a bird shop & taxidermy business at 16 Mount Vernon Road in the early 1900s. My mum was born there in 1913, would you happen to know where if at all, I might find photographs if the shops there at that time. I have googled Mount Vernon Road but with no luck. Cheers Barbara


  • Ian Jones


    A lot of streets in Toxteth Park seem to have been renamed between the 1861 Census and the 1864 revision of the Ordnance Survey Town Plan: Ashton Street => Ashwell Street; Bell Street => Brindley Street; Bolton Street => Britton Street; Gregson Street => Greig Street; Lincoln Street / Lincoln Terrace => Rectory Street; and others. It would be really useful to add these to the index. Perhaps there is a document in the archives somewhere that gives a full list?


    • Hi Ian,

      Sorry it’s been a long time since you posted this info – it’s extremely helpful and something I’d not thought about before! I might contact the Liverpool Archives and see if there is something like the document you suggest.



  • Brian Bloom


    My grandparents lived at 21 Bittern Street. My grandfather worked as a dock labourer for the White Star Line. My father was born there in 1918. Are there any pictures of Bittern Street? Does any one have any stories about the street in those times?
    The family moved to London in the 1920`s looking for work.


  • Sabrina Lear


    Hi, I am trying to trace a manufacturing company that used to be at 18-20 Park Lane, Bootle in 1921. It was called ‘The Manufacturers Ltd’ – I believe that there are houses there now where the company used to be


  • Irene Walsh


    Hello, firstly may I compliment you on this site, it is brilliant, thank you for all your work in putting this together. I am researching my ancestors, I have learnt that when my GGG Grandfather Peter Walsh died in 1874 in Liverpool Infirmary, (which I think was a workhouse) the person who attended his death was called Catherine Walsh residing at 9 Major Street, Liverpool (according to the death certificate). Thanks to your map I now know where Major Street was, but I would love to know if the house number 9 was some kind of workhouse, as it appears a few generations of the Walsh’s lived and worked in them. Would you know anything about this please? I am also trying to find out more who this Catherine was, Ancestry and Find My Past have not helped at all. Peter’s wife was called Catherine but she died in 1965. If I could learn a bit more about no 9 Major Street it may help me to find this other Catherine. Thanks Irene


    • Irene Walsh


      Sorry my typo error, Peter’s wife Catherine died in 1865 not 1965.


  • Lizzie


    Thank you so much for this resource! I was wondering whether you might have any print maps for sale that include Nixon street clearly labeled? Thanks so much!


  • margi jackson


    My mother was born in 1930 at Ariel Street, Kirkdale.
    I understand that it’s long gone, but I would love to know more – I can’t find it on any of the old maps.
    Would very much appreciate any pointers you might have; thanks


  • Hello. What a find! Can’t imagine how much time you spent finding the information! I am researcing 48 Ullet Road. Most of the old mansions around Sefton Park are in the records of Hisoric England particularly numbers 44, 46 and 50. There appears to be nothing in their records about number 48. During the last War it was used as a hospital for servicemen returning from active service. I have traced the owners up to 1925 but can’t find anything after that. Any inform ation would be great. Thanks again


  • Pippa Binnie


    What a brilliant resource. Thank you for developing this and making it available for amateur genealogists and historians like myself to use.

    May I advise of a typo. South Hill Road comes up in the search fields as South Hill Street.


    • Thanks for these corrections! I’ve updated the streets map for both names now.

      Brilliant stuff!


  • DAS54


    I wish I’d found the this resource a while back as it is really, really helpful. Thank you. Please be aware of a transcription error. A street name of Galloway Street, Wavertree that I visited many times as a child can only be found by searching for Calloway Street (with a C) no doubt because that’s what it appears to show on the map before zooming in. The street name is definitely Galloway Street (with a G) as can be seen after zooming in on Calloway Street.


    • Thanks! I’ve updated the map. It does look like Calloway, but as you say, the modern map proves it’s Galloway!

      Thanks again,


  • Pippa Binnie


    Wedgewood Street did not seem to come up in the index. It is there but shown as Wedewood Street. Thanks.


    • Thanks Pippa! Well spotted. I’ve made the correction to the streets map.

      Many thanks,


  • June Taylor


    Thanks for this information. My Gramma was born on Tin Street in a row house – I have a picture with the name Tin Street and another of the narrow house – with my grandmother and her sisters out front. She left in 1914 for Canada. I guess I am not too swift with these interactive maps yet but she always asked me to say hello to the Beatles. Her name was Leah Topping and she worked in the cotton mills. Any idea where this street might be? Thank you.


  • Cathie


    Many thanks for great map it’s been really helpful in locating a number of streets re ancestors helps put family info in perspective
    but am struggling to find a Twydir Street Toxteth Park as listed on 1881 census but have got Twydor Street off Breck Road is it possible just a transcribing error and /or boundary change or is there somewhere else I can check ?


    • Hi Cathie,
      I believe Twydir is more likely the proper spelling, as that brings up some results on a search on Google, whereas Twydor does not. There’s also a Tudor Street, which might be the one you’re looking for.
      Best wishes,


  • Laurenna Reed


    Hi, I am a professional Genealogist and Family Historian. I’ve been asked to trace the McAllister Family that lived around 1950 on Little Hardman Street in the Edge Hill District of Liverpool. Is has taken me a long time to establish that Little Hardman Street did actually exist but does anyone know when it was demolished and what stands there now? Where did most of the occupants of the street relocate to when their homes were demolished? Many thanks


  • Vel


    Would Back Bond Street (as found on the 1851 census) and Bond Street have been the same thing?
    Thank you


  • Chris Skelhorn



    I think this site is brilliant, and a huge help to many! Most of my dad’s family come from Liverpool, so this is a huge resource! Thank you for all your hard work.

    I do have a query though, I’m trying to locate Aighberth Street, supposedly in West Derby, but I’ve had no luck so far. Is this something that you could help me with please?

    Thank you!


  • Peter Reisdorf


    Hi, my Mum grew up in Thingwall Hall Drive, Knotty Ash, in the 1930s and 1940s (she went to school with Ken Dodd). I’m looking for a map that covers that area around that time. The 1951 map doesn’t go far enough east and the road didn’t exist at the time of the 1917 map. It seems that some houses at the start of the road were demolished (or never built) to allow for the road network as the numbering starts at 14 on the evens side.


  • Linda Jones


    can you find me an old picture of Twiss Street Dingle Liverpool 8 As I grew up on that street .


  • Ali


    Hi Martin, fascinating website. Thank you for making all this information available.
    I’ve been researching family history, in particular my Irish ancestors who lived in Oriel Street (1841 Census). I’m a bit confused though because the maps prior to 1841 are showing Oxford street (between Paul Street & Naylor Street). Subsequent maps show Oriel Street, not Oxford Street. I’m presuming the street name changed but I’m struggling to find out why or when. (Also, there was another Oxford street in Liverpool at the same time). I know Oriel Street was court housing. Do you know why (or when) the name changed for this street? (I did visit Liverpool library the other day, but no joy)


  • Barbara Sinclair


    Love this site My mum was born in Mount Vernon Road in 1913, her father ran a bird shop & taxidermist there but I have never been able to find out much more than that. Is there anywhere I could check for business details back then. The name was Williams. Kind Regards and thank you for your hard work.


  • BillS


    This great but I couldn’t find Hayton Street. My GGGgrand father is there on the 1861 Census. From the other places nearby I think it is possibly between Upper Parlimrnt Street and Beaumont Street. There are some tiny unamed streets on the 1905 OS map.


  • Chris Perry


    Could anyone help me please I’m looking to see where my dad was born in Liverpool L3 1950’s the street name was vire terrace but I can’t find it anywhere


  • Mark Leonard


    The map is a great achievement, thank you for sharing it. I was searching for Gloucester street, apparently some of my family lived there (‘Lenard’ 1841 Census). I think it was demolished to make way for a Lime street station expansion. Although it doesn’t register on your street finder, I found what I think is a stub of the street on your map, off Copperas Hill, close to the station.


  • Marco


    my great grandparents had the cocoa rooms on stanhope st my late father remembered going late 30s early 40s.


  • Anne C


    Hi, this is a brilliant map and so useful to see streets which sadly no longer exist. Not sure if you accept suggestions re missing streets but if so, one I have come across in Blenheim Street which is between Tatlock Street and Silvester Street. Thank you for all the work you have done on this.


    • Hi Anne,

      Yes, I do take suggestions! And your comment made me realise that I did have Blenheim on there, but I’d mis-spelled it as Blemheim, so it didn’t show up in searches. I’ve now fixed that.

      Best wishes,


      • Anne C


        Thanks Martin. I hadn’t checked for any misspellings. As someone who was born in the Vauxhall area, this is a great tool for helping me to place deceased members of my family.



  • sheila


    brilliant map I was looking for my old home address of 62 Arkwright street and found that it is now 62 Langrove street, so nice to see the old map with all the old street names and schools and churches I recognise




    I was trying to find Arrow Street, Ash Street, Botanic Street, Ryder Street and Speke Street which form a small grid of streets on Wavertree Road, Edge Hill between Edge Hill Railway Station and Edge Hill Goods Station. These are shown on the 1905 OS map and abbreviated on your site but they aren’t actually searchable. Can you add them to the index please?


    • Hi Ian,

      Thanks so much for pointing them out – I can’t believe I missed them! I’ve added them in now, and they can be searched. (If you can’t see them after refreshing the page, try pressing Ctrl+Shift+R which will force a complete refresh of the page.)



  • Maria



    This is a great map! Thank you! I currently working in Whitechapel street in a language school and have been thinking of adding a bit of history of the area and maybe the building (if it’s possible) to the induction presentation we give to students every Monday, just to make them a little more interested and excited to be here. Would you be able to help me with this?


  • Pippa Binnie


    This is a wonderful resource which I use regularly in my family history research. I’ve found Harford Lane indexed but not Harford Street which it runs off. Could you please add it, thanks


    • Hi Pippa,
      So glad you find it useful, and use it regularly!
      And thanks for pointing out the missing street. It turns out I’d mis-spelled it ‘Hardford’, so I’ve corrected that, and it now shows up in the search, and on the map.
      Best wishes,


  • John Bennett


    Does anyone know anything about Campania St, Garston, Liverpool


  • Pippa Binnie


    Thanks Martin, I’ve found another couple of roads not indexed. Green Lane, West Derby (off West Derby Road) and Albany Road, West Derby off the right towards the bottom of Green Lane. (both L13) The index currently only has 1 road of each name in Mount Pleasant & Kensington and directs you to them at present.


    • Ah, you’ve uncovered an interesting bug, Pippa! Both those roads are on the map but they are both roads where there are other roads with the same name elsewhere, and for some reason my code can’t deal with that!
      I’ll have to think of some way to fix this – thanks so much for spotting missing streets!


    • Hi Pippa,
      I’ve added an extra distinguishing word to the Green Lane and Albany Street around Tuebrook so they show up in searches for their name.
      Feel free to let me know if you spot anything else not showing up in the search.


  • Gareth Symons


    Hi Martin

    Rennie Street doesn’t come up on the search, but is on the map. This is a very useful page, many thanks!


    • Hi Gareth,
      I’m glad you find the map useful! And thanks for the feedback, as I’m always looking to fix any missing streets. Could you tell me where Rennie Street is? I’m not having much luck!


  • Ian Gelling


    Hi Martin

    This is a great project. I wish that I had found it sooner

    They have just released the 1921 census on Ancestry and I found that my grandmothers family lived on Hill Street at that time. That are is totally different now but I’m trying to work out the rough location of the house. It says no. 338 but I doubt Hill Street was that long so it maybe a typo! This is a good start though. I knew that they lived in Toxteth but I was never sure whereabouts.



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