1898: Plan of Liverpool – Royal Atlas of England and Wales

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This is a more detailed map to accompany the smaller-scale Environs of Liverpool map from the Royal Atlas of England and Wales, published in 1898. Unlike most of the maps you’ll see depicting Liverpool, this map has the River Mersey at the bottom, and the north east of the city (West Derby etc) at the top. It brings the focus of the viewer to the riverfront and the Pier Head, and we see the railways coming into the centre of town at Lime Street and Exchange Stations.

Although not covering nearly as great an area as the other map, this plan includes the names of individual roads, docks, railway stations, parks and the grounds of the two biggest football teams on Merseyside – Everton and Liverpool. It also marks the names of civic buildings and institutions such as the General Post Office, West Derby Union Test House, the Collegiate, Royal Infirmary and University College (now Liverpool University).

Despite its small coverage, the plan actually covers almost all the urban area of Liverpool from the end of the 19th century, with still very rural areas seen at the top of the page, which is East on this map.

Also to be seen are details of the railways coming into Waterloo, Exchange, Central and Lime Street Stations, including where the tracks run underground (and under the Mersey), in addition to the tramlines which criss-crossed the city at the time of publication.

Highlights of late Victorian Liverpool

This map is from the end of the 19th century, part of the Royal Atlas of England and Wales, published in 1898. It’s one of my favourite views of Liverpool at the height of its global power, for several reasons.

Firstly, right in the middle are the stand-out Victorian structures, Liverpool’s central gems: St. George’s Hall, Lime Street Station, the former North Western Hotel, the Library, Museum, Picton Reading Room and the Walker Art Gallery.

There’s also a collection of other municipal buildings: the General Post Office, the Law Courts, the Police Offices, St. John’s Market and the Fish Market. This goes to show just how compact Liverpool was; a superpower with a surprisingly small base.

The other thing I love about this location is the original street layout. While a lot is recognisable, a lot has changed. Look how easy it is to spot Queen Square, Williamson Square and Clayton Square! You can see how Roe Street once curved around Queen Square’s corner, how St. John’s Market lay along one side of Great Charlotte Street, and how Old Haymarket’s size and openness fitted the use its name suggests.

Finally, look closely and you’ll notice a little label in St. John’s Gardens, behind St. George’s Hall: it says “Proposed Site of Liverpool Cathedral”. St. John’s church is present and correct, but it was proposed that it be replaced with a cathedral suited to Liverpool’s grand place in the world. This was just one site proposed, along with London Road triangle where the statue of George III stands, St. Peter’s on Church Street, St. Luke’s at the top of Bold Street, and St. James’s Mount, where the cathedral was eventually placed.

All this from just one small slice of an old map? No wonder we find them so interesting!

20 Comments on “1898: Plan of Liverpool – Royal Atlas of England and Wales”

  • Paul O'Donnell


    Never seen that before, the roads by me, Langdon, Granville, Edgerton, Portman and Woodcroft, all continue on the other side of Lawrence Road, where now they are called Liscard, Tabley, Callow, Createn and Talton., Yet Salisbury and Alderson and Bagot, still continue to Gainsborough and Picton.


    • Yes, a strange one that. If anyone’s got any idea why this might be, do chip in!


  • arthur cook


    the map is wrong between Ashfield and Alderson Rd off Picton Rd it should be Kempton Rd and the groves off Kempton Rd. The first grove is Picton grove which I believe was built in 1898 my family lived there from when it was built and I have the rent book they then moved into the houses on Picton Rd between Ashfield and Kenpton Rd when they were built in 1902.


    • Thanks Arthur, you’re right – well spotted! It’s worth comparing the old map here to modern maps when researching in this area then!



  • Lorna Bowden


    Hi, I am trying to locate Back Lane, West Derby. Also, was the only foundry the Phoenix one in the 1880’s please?


    • Hi Lorna,

      Back Lane in West Derby is the former name for Eaton Road. You’ll see a similar pattern in other villages across the country, whereby Town Row is a road in the centre of a village, where town houses front on to it, and Back Lane runs along the rear of the long gardens/allotments/smallholdings which sat at the back of the town house properties. Eaton Road probably had its name changed once the landscape changed, and properties had their *fronts* facing onto Eaton Road, as well as Town Row.



  • bill sanderson


    Can’t see my earlier post here. Looking for McKee Street which figures in many census records but I’ve yet to find on any map!


  • EMcGuire



    I’m trying to locate Back High Street, West Derby in March 1901 as described on a birth certificate. It also has what look like W LO after Street which I’m not sure what this means. The parents didn’t register the birth but an Annie Ashall from Low Wood Street did – I’ve managed to find out where this is (near Edge Lane, Low Hill / Guelph St) but as yet unsure what A Ashall registered a birth and the locality of the Maguire’s in Back High Street (who could have not long moved to Liverpool originally from Ireland and were in Scotland in 1897 and possibly later).

    A few years later another child was baptised in Sacred Heart Church.


    • Martin



      Thanks for your questions: there is a Back High Street in Woolton, which would have fallen under the West Derby parish in 1901. It’s behind Woolton High Street, and was a very new road in 1901. I’m not sure that’s where your ancestor was borne, but it might explain the W LO (maybe ‘Woolton Liverpool’). I’m sure someone who knows more about these initials will be able to help here. Sacred Heart Church is at the end of Low Hill.



  • peter pollock


    do you have a street plan for widnes around 1910


  • Roger


    My late dad said he lived (in 1920s/30s?) in Trowbridge Place-near the docks?
    Anyone know where that was? Thanks


  • Peter


    Grew up in Ash Street,of Wavertree Road.
    Could see Edge Hill Station from our bedroom
    Window. Dob 1949.


  • Jen


    Does anyone know where Gloucester Row / Aigburth Vale is on the map please?
    I’m trying to find it for my nana, her grandad lived there along with her ancestors until planning permission demolished it and re built but cannot locate on current maps where abouts that would have been?

    thank you.


    • Martin


      Hi Jen,

      It’s not covered by this map, but it is covered – though not labelled unfortunately – on my map of Old Streets. That link will take you to the right square (I checked on the directory attached to the map). I also found a photo here: https://inacityliving.blogspot.com/p/l6-l7.html (use your browser’s search tool to find the street name).

      Best wishes,


  • Tom


    I am searching for Laurel Street in Kirkdale, Liverpool. It doesn’t seem to appear on modern maps. I think it was close to the docks, but am not sure. My grandfather lived at 21 Laurel Street around 1911-1912. He emigrated to the U.S. around 1913. Thanks for any help you can provide.


    • Hi Glen,
      Yes, I just finished reading your article yesterday, and noticed! Great work there by you and all involved, and really interesting to read.
      Glad my resources could help!



  • Kath Daley


    On the map There is a tiny street between North Western Hotel and Lime St Station. We were talking about this yesterday and it was mentioned as being used as a departure point when Hackney carriage drivers were tested on their knowledge of the city. It had a name but didn’t lead anywhere. Both husband and his brother remember it. Husband is 80 and his brother is 72.


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